
Showing posts from March, 2009

march madness: the baking soda post

In the time that it takes me to write this post, it is possible that the NCAA Final Four will have been decided, meaning that the UNC / Oklahoma game on my television will have ended. So far, it doesn't look good for Oklahoma. But you can never tell. Usually, however, for the underdog to have a chance, they've got to at least be competitive throughout the game. Like Michigan State today, who dominated the second half of the game, or Villanova last night, who kept up with Pittsburgh for the second half of the second half, in order to take the lead at the end when it mattered. My Dad and I last weekend observed how the underdog team in this game can be winning the entire game and then the higher seed team will come back and finish the game on top. I believe this is because to be the best team, you have to know how to finish a game properly, when to step up, when to foul. Sports has a lot to do with time management. I wonder if coaches of sports teams are better at planning their ...

but first...

there is a first time for everything. this is the first week since i began weekly to blog my book purchases from the strand where i work that i haven't broken any self-imposed book-buying rules. i also only bought two books. i might write more about mens' ncaa basketball tomorrow, but today this post will be short and about the books i bought today. i am feeling a bit under the weather. i did not get a lot of sleep last night. my birthday was thursday and fun. justin left today to go back to boston. all of the bands are booked for our boston release at All Asia on tuesday, april 28th. we will post all of the information for that very soon. Rothenberg, Jerome and Pierre Joris. Poems for the Millennium: Volume 2, From Postwar to Millennium. Berkley, CA: University of California Press, 1998. [paperback] Last week I bought volume 1 and 3 of these excellent poetry anthologies, so by purchasing this one I am all caught up, I now own each of them that has already been published. I ...

Our Website is (kind of !) up

It's here ! It's here ! And here and here and here ! GIGANTIC sequins ' website [ ] (the "official" one!) has been updated to include all of the information that a literary journal's website should have. There, you can find information on how to subscribe, how to submit, our events, contact information and anything else you would want to know about us. Soon, the "fancy design" version of the website will be up, but for now, the "not as fancy, but still as informative" version will do, yes. It's run through wordpress, so if you use wordpress or any other blog-following device, please follow us. Either way, please bookmark the site, and be sure to return to it for updates on our magazine. This is also to say, that our updates for the magazine will now be posted on that website. We will post a link to these updates here, of course, but this blog will divert to primarily be Kim's outlet for telling ev...

broken rules are better than broken noses

This week, I broke all of my fiscally conservative book-buying rules. This is okay, though, because my birthday is this Thursday, the 26th, and if nothing else, I can break a few self-imposed spending rules. However, I am worried, kind of, about the time I waste posting blogs about books that could be spent reading them. So! In other words, let's get to the point... Rothenberg, Jerome and Pierre Joris, Eds. Poems for the Millennium: Book of Modern & Postmodern poetry, Fin-de-Siecle to Negritude. Berkley: University of California Press, 1995. [paperback] AND Rothenberg, Jerome and Jeffrey C. Robinson, Eds. Poems for the Millennium: Book of Romantic & Postromantic Poetry. Berkley: University of California Press, 2009. [paperback] We just started to recieve these volumes at work in a strange number over the past few months. At first, the first two trickled in and out occasionally, but over the last few weeks, we have been buying and selling them a little more frequently....

march madness; my president is rad

i did not plan to sit on my ikea couch and watch television all night. i figured i would turn on the television and see how my mostly random March Madness picks were doing. however, sports sometimes do this thing to me that they don't do to most people "like" me, and i sat on the couch, reading for my thesis during commercials for a few hours, and then flipped between the VCU / UCLA game and Obama on Leno. i haven't watched tv for this long since football season. there are some typical reasons NCAA is attractive in March. the games seem shorter (two twenty minute periods) maybe because they stop "less" (i put less in quotes 'cause they all like to foul each other all the time which stops the clock...) the kids are literally playing their hearts out, plus they get all emotional during and after the games. the sudden death element helps a lot, too-- whoever loses is DONE, gone, byebye. then there's the underdog complex. i know i have one. i just goddam...

submission period dates announced

our submission guidelines have been updated to include the dates of our reading periods. read on! (also, many thanks to Bryan McKay , our web designer, for making my dream [and updating a bad version of something I made in Paint!] of our "year wheel" as seen below, a reality) Gigantic Sequins is looking to print your best poetry, fiction, essays, [insert-genre-here] and visual art. Our reading periods are: March 1 – June 30 ( for our Fall issue) September 1 – December 31 (for our Spring issue) Please send work to as an Microsoft Word document. If you don’t have access to Microsoft Word, please copy and paste your work into the body of the email, but beware that your formatting may not transfer. All genres are accepted, but please specify what genre you’re writing in. If you invented this genre, name it. When we say all genres, we mean the following and more: poetry, fiction, cultural essays, comics, short shorts, prose poems, other hybrid gen...

1 lady + 3 gentlemen = 4 books bought

my weekly book purchases: 3/13/09 this week, i followed most of my rules. one full-priced (the Jack Gilbert), the rest dollar books. the bad thing about my book-buying, is that it comes at the end of my week (either Friday or Saturday), which means that i am usually over or too close to my $100 / week spending limit (yes, this is impossible, and i ALWAYS go over. always.) one of these weeks, i will buy books, and the purchases will not cause me to go over my limit. and i will be impressed and amazed with myself. i bought two poetry books, a book of essays and a novel, which is about right. i like poetry because you don't have to read poem books cover to cover, but can just browse, or read the first few, throw a bookmark in it, then the next few, etc. alright, here are my righteous finds this week... Gilbert, Jack. Refusing Heaven . New York: Knopf, 2005. [hardcover] I bought Jack Gilbert's The Great Fires over the summer after removing it off of the shelf, reading a few poems ...

strict limitations

my weekly book purchases This week, I was a good girl, and I only bought two books. One full-priced, one dollar book. I am proud of myself. These are economically trying times! Here we go... Apollonio, Umbro. MIRO . New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1969. [paperback] I have a Grosset & Dunlap Degas book that I've frequently used to collage by cutting out the pretty color pictures. These little volumes are so good because they have a short amount of text in the front, explanations of each of the art pieces featured in the book and then color plates of the artist's work that takes up most of the book. I liked this one because Miro is sort of all over the place, he starts out fairly impressionistic and then gets into that weird stuff (that apparently is based on real life things that make sense, so someone told me) that looks like lines and symbols and lots of precise colors. Towards the end of the plate collection, there's some sculpture of his as well. My favorite thin...


we have set a date and a venue for our Boston Release Party! it will be on April 28, 2009 at All Asia on Mass. Ave. in Cambridge! we will announce the line-up soon, but for now, look forward to a night of music, dancing and celebration centered around Issue 1.1 of Gigantic Sequins, due out in early April. we recommend you plan to attend. we will be announcing our NYC release party information soon. thanks for all of your patience and support.

calling all small presses and lovers of such

for each issue of our Gigantic Sequins [formally Gigantic Magazine], we will be reviewing a few books from small presses. if you run a small press, have been published in one, or are a fan of one, let us at Gigantic Sequins [formally Gigantic Magazine] know about it! You can email us at [ ] for our snailmail address if you would like to send us a copy to increase your chances of us reviewing your book. However, even just by telling us about your press / book / what you find small and delicious will let us know where we should be turning our readerly radars. Thanks everyone! We hope you are looking forward to our April release as much as we are!

read books. as many as possible. mostly good ones.

Books Read: February Usually, I have to say, I read more than this. I have been consumed with Gigantic Magazine [now Gigantic Sequins] for most of this month, and also my masters thesis. I should have worked more on both my thesis and relearning the French language for my foreign language proficiency exam on Friday, but. Here’s the deal. I keep track of the books I read on pieces of paper I keep in a folder I’ve had since 8 th grade. I have kept a list of every book I've ever completed reading since July of 2000. There are some rules. I have to actually finish the book, cover to cover, for it to go on the list. When I was younger, I would put, for example "read four stories from James Joyce's Dubliners ." Yeah, no longer allowed to do that. I should probably keep track of the specific editions I read of each book instead of just the title, author and date finished (oh and my 'rating', but that's a funny little Kim-system I won't bore you all with). I ...

published, productivity, pretty cups of coffee

i was published in sawbuck , an online poetry journal. you can read my poems here . you should. then you should tell me they're good and that you're impressed so i feel good about myself. please? or you can tell me they're not good, but you are still proud of me for getting published, cause then at least someone must have liked them. the other day, i did this and felt productive. i need to feel like that again, sooner: