Our Website is (kind of !) up

It's here! It's here!

And here and here and here!

GIGANTIC sequins' website [ http://www.giganticmagazine.org/ ] (the "official" one!) has been updated to include all of the information that a literary journal's website should have. There, you can find information on how to subscribe, how to submit, our events, contact information and anything else you would want to know about us.

Soon, the "fancy design" version of the website will be up, but for now, the "not as fancy, but still as informative" version will do, yes. It's run through wordpress, so if you use wordpress or any other blog-following device, please follow us. Either way, please bookmark the site, and be sure to return to it for updates on our magazine.

This is also to say, that our updates for the magazine will now be posted on that website. We will post a link to these updates here, of course, but this blog will divert to primarily be Kim's outlet for telling everyone about books she bought, things she has read, and sports she has watched on tv... etc... There is a link to it on the official site called "Editors' Blog", in the hope that GIGANTIC sequins other editors will eventually blog here, too.

THANK YOU everyone. Don't forget: the GIGANTIC sequins' website is up!


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