submission period dates announced

our submission guidelines have been updated to include the dates of our reading periods. read on! (also, many thanks to Bryan McKay, our web designer, for making my dream [and updating a bad version of something I made in Paint!] of our "year wheel" as seen below, a reality)

Gigantic Sequins is looking to print your best poetry, fiction, essays, [insert-genre-here] and visual art.

Our reading periods are:

March 1 – June 30 ( for our Fall issue)

September 1 – December 31 (for our Spring issue)

Please send work to as an Microsoft Word document. If you don’t have access to Microsoft Word, please copy and paste your work into the body of the email, but beware that your formatting may not transfer.

All genres are accepted, but please specify what genre you’re writing in. If you invented this genre, name it. When we say all genres, we mean the following and more: poetry, fiction, cultural essays, comics, short shorts, prose poems, other hybrid genres, excerpts from screenplays, novels, novellas, your-genre-here, etc.

Do not forget to include your current contact information: name, address, email, and phone number in the body of your email.

If you are submitting the same piece to other magazines, we will consider it, but do let us know if it gets accepted to the other magazine first.

There is a 15 page or 5000 word maximum for each piece (double or 1.5 spaced). Please only send up to five (5) works per submission period. We will get back to you within 3-4 months of your date of submission.

Gigantic Sequins will be available only in print.

We also feature visual art in our magazine. We only print in black & white as of now. Please take this into consideration before submitting your art to us. However, please submit your art to us. We do not accept photography as of now. Please send your art as an email attachment, specifying the genre of your work. Also please include your contact information. You may send your art to:


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