Gigantic Sequins 5.2 Contributors!

We've already announced on the GS Editors Blog the list of contributors for our 5.2 issue, but I'd like to re-announce them here and encourage you to donate some of your cashmoney to help this great issue go to print. This winter, we had one of our more selective if not most selective open submissions period. It seemed like a lot of the writing being sent to us was "close" but not quite THERE. For fiction, stories seemed either well written and the story fell flat or with a great story but not as solid writing. As for poetry, when the rest of the poem seemed to be working towards something whole, a single line or a word or an ending would break our hearts and not in the good way. We rejected a lot of very good-- very "close"-- pieces of work, it seemed. As for non-fiction, we never never never get enough and the two pieces we chose really spoke to us. We held onto some others up until days before our announcement of the contributors, but they didn't work in the long run with the rest of what we chose.

That being said, despite our extensive selectivity, we still managed to "fill out" the issue and in it we have our very first lyric essay (hooray!) as well as two great artists whose work we couldn't turn down. We also have a comic-- we LOVE printing comics so any issue with a comic or two (or seven or twelve!) is always a great issue.

Without further ado, here are the Gigantic Sequins 5.2 contributors!

Justin Brouckaert
Michelle E. Crouch
Kayla Haas

Caitlyn Luce Christensen
Caleb Curtiss
Nick Flynn
Patrick Clement James
Tanya Muzumdar

Alex McElroy
Rachel Richardson

Dmitry Borshch
Julie Drallos
Aaron Morgan

Speaking of great writers, Gigantic Sequins opened its doors TODAY for submissions and we are also open for contest entries in flash fiction and poetry. Send us your best work.


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