Books Read: March

I slowed down a bit in March. I would need to read 5/month to reach my goal, and I only read 4 in March. I had to read along with my Experiencing Lit class, so I reread a number of short stories and much of the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, though only books I read cover to cover count. Rereads do not count, so even if I had read Huck Finn cover to cover, it wouldn't have been added to the goal.

Mission: to read 52 books in 2012
Status: 17/52
Books Read, March: 4

Notes on Books Read:

If I Falter at the Gallows by Edward Mullany
This book of poetry put out by Publising Genius is amazing and you should buy it right now. Seriously. It's on sale for $10.00. I got it at AWP and had it signed, and I opened it randomly while sitting at the GS table and started reading. Well, I kept reading it. I in fact finished it while I was in Chicago. A number of its pages are dog-eared, and though the poems are powerful on their own, I think that this collection as a whole is like one of those albums that works so well as a whole, every time you hear one of the songs, you just want to go back and listen to the whole album. I am sure if I read one of the poems I've dogeared, I will want to read them all, and then the book as a whole again.

Betty Superman by Tiff Holland
This is a book of flash fiction, also something that I picked up at AWP. Rose Metal Press puts out limited edition chapbooks every year, and this was one of the winners of their annual chapbook contest. From reading it, and you should, you can see why. Holland's linked stories are both vivid and moving in a way that is tough to do in such a short space as she does in this book. It has a beautiful letter-pressed cover and is one of those books whose literary beauty is akin to the beauty of the book-as-object itself.

Catching Fire and Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins
Alright, no spoilers, I promise. I like the way that Collins advances and wraps up the series in these two books, and I don't care what anyone says. So there.


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