All Things David Markson | as of today

David Markson New York Times obituary: here. --I've been waiting for this one. It's simple and earned and honest.

James Yeh, a tribute on & to the late great writer: here. --in an unpretentious imitation of Markson's style, Yeh resurrects the spirit of his life and work in a small but concise piece on the author.

A.D. Jameson on Markson: here. --this I found thru Yeh's piece, and I found it sly and even funny.

Markson reading at Strand books: here. --where he was more comfortable browsing than speaking, but still told a good story even behind a microphone.

What are the two best novels you've never heard of? find out here. --and then go read them.

Crime fiction blogger weighs in on Markson with an emphasis on his earlier work: here. -- there is a list, too, at the bottom of her post of many things Markson related. If you don't find enough here, I recommend it.

Scott Bryan Wilson calls Markson "a completely unfuckwithable writer": here.

If you're not sure what all this is about: here is a good introduction to Markson. It has excerpts and concise yet detailed information on the late postmodern great.

I wish I hadn't read this obituary. I cringe at the idea of him as a "body". It seems an insulting word to use for someone who was much much more.

I wish I could find those two pictures I talked about in my farewell blog. One was a gift, though, to our department at Strand. Maybe it's best it stays there and not plastered all over the internet. The other, the dust jacket picture... Well, I guess you should just get ahold of his critical study, Malcolm Lowry's Volcano.

We had this review of The Last Novel hanging over his table of books for sale at the Strand. It wasn't meant to be the last novel, I'm sure.


  1. Markson will be missed.

    Have a pleasant trip to Boston. Sell some Gigantic Sequins, meet some new people.

    There'll always be another reading. I have a few more scheduled this summer.

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