Alice Notley : at Rowan University on Monday, 4/26

Alice Notley, prominent poet from the 2nd generation of the New York School, will be reading at Rowan University on Monday, April 26th in the Rowan Art Gallery in Wesby Hall at 7pm.

This event is both FREE and OPEN to the PUBLIC. If you are in the area, you should probably attend. Visit the official link on the Rowan website HERE. It advises you to contact Bill Friend at friend[at]rowan[dot]edu for more information.

In honor of continuing our "poem a day" posts for National Poetry Month, I would like to guide you to the site on Alice Notley. There are six audio recordings of her reading here as well as two text versions of her poems. Check it out HERE.

I read the Selected Poems of Alice Notley earlier this year, and I started my copy of her collection Disobedience this weekend in honor of her Monday reading, I recommend strongly that you get your hands on a copy of her work. I would, personally, like to own Grave of Light: New and Selected Poems 1970-2005. I once had a copy of it hidden in the aisles of The Strand where I once worked. An acquaintance came into the store saying that he couldn't find this book that he had seen on the internet we were supposed to carry. It was Grave of Light. And, foolishly, yet kindly, I took it from my hiding place and let him buy it. I regret this action to this day!

So, if you live in the area, don't miss out on this event. I wouldn't want you to have any regrets.


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