2.2 Submission Period Deadline : JUNE 30th

With National Poetry Month coming to an end, Gigantic Sequins would like to remind all of our poets out there that our submission period will end on JUNE 30th. This gives you plenty of time to edit all of the poems that you’ve written and decide which are appropriate to send to our magazine. Please see our submission guidelines link to the right of this update for more specific guidelines.

In addition to encouraging our poets to submit, we would like to remind everyone else, also, that the deadline to submit for our 2.2 issue is JUNE 30th.


1) Proofread your work by reading it out loud to yourself and your dog or having a friend look over it for errors. A simple misplaced apostrophe can throw or turn a reader off from your work.

2) Send us multiple pieces! We will read up to five pieces per author per reading period. Send three poems, one short story and one essay! Send five poems! Send five essays! Send away!

3) BUY a copy of Gigantic Sequins so that you understand the kind of work that we enjoy publishing. One of our motives as a literary-arts journal is to KEEP THE PRICE OF GOOD ART CHEAP. Its tough for artists, so we know, then, that we must support each other. Most literary journals cost more than ours. Invest in our latest copy!

4) Enter our National Poetry Month contest here where you can win a copy of a poetry book. All that you need to do is comment on the blog post. No purchase required. Reading good poetry helps one write good poetry. And if you aren’t a poet, reading good anything will help you write anything better.

Thanks! Questions / Comments / Love Letters can be directed to : giganticmagazine@gmail.com


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