Sentence Diagramming

I have been busy in the month of February. Usually, I am a prolific reader, amongst other things in my life. However, for the month of February, I have not been reading much. Mostly, I have been building lesson plans for the class I teach at Rowan University: American English Grammar. Using a book on grammar and sentence diagramming by Cindy Vitto, I have already learned more and learned how to teach more, about the English language than I ever thought I knew existed.

If you are a lover of language and ever would like to brush up your grammar skills, I highly recommend looking into the art of sentence diagramming. I find myself, when writing or speaking or laying in bed thinking, imagining how my thoughts/words would be diagrammed. Though this can sometimes prove distracting, thorough (and I mean THOROUGH) understanding of American Standard English is an excellent tool to have and use.

Here is a link to the Declaration of Independence diagrammed. It's kind of pretty and mostly awesome.


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