Hello! It's that time again! When GIGANTIC SEQUINS asks you for your donations to our quatrannual raffle! Twice a year, this is a bigger deal than the other two times. And this is one of those times. We will be having a release party for our 1.2 issue coming up soon, and would like for you to donate something, anything to our raffle!

It's good for you, because it gets the name of your small press / store / product out there! And it's good for us because people love raffles! Well. We hope people love raffles as much as our editors (especially Kimberly) do. The better the prizes are, the more likely people are to buy raffle tickets. If you yourself can't offer us anything, but know someone who might, please let us know soon!

EMAIL US if you'd like to donate something. send questions and suggestions to: giganticsequins@gmail.com

THANKS for your continued and amazing amounts of support!


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