
Showing posts from November, 2013

Books Read :: September & October

I never get enough time to read. I am always reading what I've assignment students or reading submissions or reading student papers. This is what I've managed to read since the beginning of the semester this year: The Demon Room by J.E. Reich I bought this for my Kindle because Jaime is a GS contrib from issue 3.2, and I love supporting my GS contribs. I read it, taking a break from what I've been reading on my Kindle since January, The Complete Sherlock Holmes. I love Holmes and Watson, but I can only read so much of it before I feel like I know the answer to every mystery before it's been solved. Anyway, what a pleasant surprise this little book was! It's done like a character sketch almost with a devious plot which jumps back and forth in time in just the right ways. It takes you to early twentieth century Europe and invests you in an artist who's haunted by personal demons. I think this would be a great book for someone traveling who wants something to r...