Salinger Related Everything.
+I am not a fan of Dave Eggers. What is the polar opposite of a fan? That is what I am. However, let it be known that I, Kimberly Southwick, an opposite-of-a-fan of Dave Eggers, enjoyed very much his short piece written for the New Yorker on the deaths of J.D. Salinger and Howard Zinn. -- +Stephen Colbert's "Salinger Watch" from August 2008. Needless to say, Salinger never appeared on the 'Colbert Report', however, the video is very funny. "Listen up, Salinger! No one stands me up!" And he calls him 'Jerome'. Must watch. -- +The Onion posted an Onion-esque blurb on the day of his death, which I found perfectly hilarious -- H +Here is a website that contains much of the once-or-'under'-published work of Salinger, as well as the text of many of his work that *was* printed in book form, which I recommend you go buy immediately, because the cost of the mass market versions of hi...