GIGANTIC MAGAZINE: submission guidelines
GIGANTiC MAGAZINE has opened its submission period for its second issue! submit your poetry, prose, essays etc. to us, now! Submission Guidelines: send work to as an ms word document. if you don't have access to ms word, please copy and paste your work into the body of the email, but beware that your formatting may not transfer. all genres accepted and please specify what genre you're writing in. if you invented this genre, name it. if you are submitting the same piece to other magazines, we'll consider it but let us know if it gets accepted to the other magazine first. include your contact information: name, address, email address and phone number. 15 page maximum for each piece (double or 1.5 spaced) please only send up to five works per submission period. GIGANTiC will be available only in print. there is not yet a closing date set for this submission period. we will post later if we have one. meanwhile, send us your best writing you want t...